The third installment of the Red Queen series, King’s Cage, is a tale of captivity and rebellion. Mare Barrow is trapped and powerless in Maven’s palace, manipulated by a king determined to maintain control. As she battles to keep her spirit alive, her allies work tirelessly to free her. This gripping novel explores the complexities of loyalty, power, and resistance. King’s Cage intensifies the stakes in a world where betrayal is around every corner, and alliances are fragile.
Books & Novels
King’s Cage – Victoria Aveyard
10.00 $
SKU: 1817
Category: Books & Novels
Tags: betrayal, captivity, dystopian fantasy, fantasy adventure, high-stakes drama, King's Cage, Mare Barrow, Maven, power struggles, rebellion, Red Queen series, resistance, Victoria Aveyard, Young Adult Fiction
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